My project theme is "Biathlon". The database will contain biathlon data, such as competition results, biathletes, stadiums, and biathlete stats. It will be useful for making statistics. I have been following this sport for a long time, so I have enough knowledge to do this project properly.

Our environment consists of Persons. Each Person is identified by their email and has a name, surname, and sex. Each Person can have only one Login or not have any. A Login is identified by a username and has a password. Every Login is associated with just one Person.

Staff is a Person who works at a position and has an employeeID. Staff works in a Stadium.

Viewer is a Person who has a viewerID and has bought at least one Ticket.

Biathlete is a Person. A Biathlete is identified by a biathleteID and can have teammates from other Biathletes. A Biathlete has social media, points and stats, which consist of average speed and average shooting. Biathletes can take part in competitions and their Finish place will be recorded in the Leaderboard.

Competition has a type, date, and time, and is identified by a competitionID. A Competition has a Stadium Holder. The Results of a Competition are recorded in the Leaderboard.

Leaderbord is a table with all the results. It’s identified by a group of competition, biathlete, and place. Also, every record in this table is identified by a recordID.

A Stadium is identified by the trio of name, city, and county. A Stadium is located in a country and a city. It has its own Staff. A Stadium can hold Competitions and sell at least one Ticket to a Viewer.

A Ticket is sold by the Stadium. It has a cost, sector, a TicketID, and a TransactionID. A Ticket can be sold or not. Only one Viewer can use it.